Friday, May 25, 2018

Letting Go (Blog #4)

Whenever I share my testimony about letting go of control in my classroom, I can still feel the pain in the pit of my stomach.  How will my students learn without me lecturing them?  Will they work well together or will one student do all of the work? If I had not seen examples of other teachers using inquiry in their classes, I would not have had the courage to try it in my class.  I remember observing a class and wanting to join in on the lesson, it was engaging and rigorous at the same time.  We had to think in this class and it lead to great learning. Principal Chris Lehman spoke of similar experiences in the webinar Chris Lehman- Inquiry: The Very First Step in the Process of Learning.  He mentioned students at his school love going to class and this is a result of using inquiry learning in each classroom.  This is what gave me the courage to release the balloon because I wanted my students to not just memorize scientific facts, but become scientists.

Technology is a tool that allows me to support my students in inquiry-based learning.
 It provides convenient way to for my students to ask and research questions in problem based learning cases.   Using Web 2.0 tools I was able to provide resources, monitor progress and provide feedback at any time.  The students learn at home at their own pace and we practice using their new knowledge via problem solving in class.  In the article, "Great Teaching Means Letting Go", Grant uses the analogy of coaching to describe the process of allowing your students to practice the game so that the coach has the opportunity to observe the players, provide feedback and allow for student reflection.  This is were great teaching takes place.  Students are allowed to explore the content and apply what they have learned in the hopes of making this world better than it was.

I look back now and know I could never go back to the lecture and lab days in my class.  I am a much better teacher today, because I teach more like a coach.  Before my summative assessments, my students have the opportunity to practice using the skills they have acquired through class drills to solve real-world problems.  I focus more on their performance and reflection.  I provide time for one on one and group conferencing to provide timely feedback. My students are engaged and they connect more to the practice of being a scientists and know that they can impact the world around them.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Reflective Searching

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Hello all.  Have you ever had to search for something online and have not been able to find the answers you need?  I have and it is very frustrating, especially since Google has spoiled me to the instant search and find.  On any normal day I can search a topic and do not have a problem finding it. For example, I was looking for a vegan restaurant near me and in an instant, there were several to choose from. Yay and yum yum.  I can search for the everyday things I need, health questions, recipes, or make travel arrangements, but ask me about the third chapter of a novel written in 1810 and I do not know where to start. After reading articles on teen searching trends, I must be truly young at heart because I follow some of the same practices.  I tend to put in full questions in the search and do not use multiple search engines (Google is my favorite). I do however, check several sites to ensure what I find is accurate and pay close attention to the authors of the article to determine the validity of the information.  To be honest with you, I was not aware of all of the short cuts and tricks we can use to really "find" information on Google. Now I have some homework; practice using search tools!!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Am I Digitally Fluent?(Blog Post #2)

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Information fluency is a major topic of research for me currently and the result of my current quest lead to a deeper understanding of what is really necessary to develop a true learning network.  One of the major concepts that resonates is the comparison of digital literacy and digital fluency.  I see I have my work cut out for me in reaching my goal of becoming fluent.  I am currently digital literate demonstrated in my understanding of how to use many platforms.  I need to become digitally fluent; able to use technology to communicate and create in all facets required in the situation.

 I do feel able to take on the task after reviewing ways to foster inquiry, a skill I need to reach my goals.  Understanding that it is necessary to take small steps toward increasing skills and that I must be flexible when learning new things will help increase efficiency and effectiveness.  Every misstep is a leap toward learning something new, so I will look forward to failures along the way.  Most importantly, be sure the work is engaging and enjoyable!

Personal Goal Setting (Blog #1)

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I absolutely love searching the web for answers to questions.  From the mundane to the advanced, the internet is my go to.  How do I know if the information I am finding is a reputable source? How can I catalog my resources so that I can find them easily and share them with others?  How can I share my creations with others?  These questions will be answered through my lessons in this course.  I hope to not only be able to find awesome resources that are reputable, share them with others and include some of my creations all in one place.  I have one semester to create this space for myself and my colleagues.  Wish me luck!

Higher- O rder   T hinking / Q uestioning  in the 6-12 Science Classroom       I am an avid believer that questioning is a key  ...